The University of Dundee has an exhibition on of artwork from Commando comics, currently in its 50th year of publication.

Ian Kennedy gets his own frame with four covers.
The covers are certainly impressive. So are the pages themselves.
There are also scripts on show.
A piece that struck me was Jordi Penalva's "Noose for a Hero" cover. I already liked it, but to see those vivid red clouds in the original painting was impressive.

The exhibition runs until 19th November and is well worth a visit.
There's another on at the National Army Museum in London too, which has huge Ian Kennedy banners outside.
I also recently visited the Doctor Who in Comics 1964-2011 exhibition at London's Cartoon Museum. They have terrific John Ridgway and Roger Langridge pages. John Ross' work was interesting - he doesn't use any black space at all on the artwork itself. I was especially impressed by a fully painted Ron Turner page. I love his Journey to the Stars stories from Speed comic.
I haven't been to the Museum before so the regular material on show was all new to me too. Highlights for me were pages of Frank Hampson Dan Dare, David Lloyd V For Vendetta and Joe Colquhoun Charley's War. It was also interesting to see the Charles Schulz original, with all its erased pencils under the inks. He really worked hard at making Peanuts look effortless.