Friday, May 19, 2017


The University of Dundee is celebrating its 50 year anniversary. To mark the occasion Dundee Comics Creative Space and Ink Pot artists Elliot Balson, Anna Coughlan, Damon Herd, Rebecca Horner, Catriona Laird, Norrie Millar, Andy Strachan and myself designed a mural running across part of the campus floor.

The mural is split into sections, each highlighting important events from down the decades. The artists chose topics to work on. I picked keyhole surgery which was pioneered at the university in 1998.

We were given 2 colours to use (3 if the grey of the slabs was included). Our designs were to be turned into stencils.

Here's the design I did and sent to the team:

The design as it appears on the walkway:

The designs all in a row on the path:

A very interesting process!