New episode now online!
“Listener beware, you’re in for a scare”
OOOOooooooOOOOO! Helooooooooo and welcome to a spooooooky rendition of That Comic Smell Podcast. Well, not really. The folks here have just brought along what they would consider their Horror picks for this Halloween season.
We cover a whole new load of Horror comics as we discuss that it has been 3 whole years since we last covered the genre.
There’s some chat about films and much much more
This and all the usual comics chat on the only comics podcast to come to you from beyond the grave…
That Comic Smell!
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Comics discussed:
2000AD: Luke Kirby (A. McKenzie, Jon Ridgway)
Awesome Comics Anthology: Murder Road (Vince Hunt)
Batman: Arkham Asylum (Grant Morrison, Dave McKean)
Billoo: One Crore Rupees (Pranis)
Crossed (Garth Ennis, Christian Zanier)
Crypt of Shadows (Marvel Anthology)
Draupadi (Various)
Dump 3 (David Robertson)
Eagle (Various)
Ferals (David Lapham, Gabriel Andrade)
Frankenstein Returns (Various Dundee Uni)
Ghosts Etc. (George Wylesol)
Happy (Josh Simmons)
Haunted Skatepark (Sammy Borras)
Hellboy (Mike Mignola, James Sinclair)
Hello Dolly (Jon Tucker)
Hopeless Maine (Sloth Comics)
House of Mystery (Various DC)
House of Secrets (Gerry Conway, Nestor Redondo)
The Incredible Hulk (Sharad Devarajan, Suresh Seetharaman)
Mars Attacks: High School (Dwight Jon Zimmerman, Hugh Haynes, Armando Gil, Brian Stelfreeze)
Monstress (Marjorie Liu, Sana Takeda)
Rose Black (Rough Cut Comics)
Saga of the Swamp Thing (Alan Moore, Stephen Bissette, John Totleben)
Scary Tales #1 (Charleton Comics)
Strange Embrace (David Hine)
Students of the Unusual (Boys Productions)
Taboo (Spider Baby Comics)
Terror from the Otherside (Joan Edam)
Tinkle (Various)
Treehouse of Horror: Simpsons (Bongo Comics)
Vampirella (Mark Millar, Mike Mayhew)
Vampires Everywhere (Cult Empire Comics)
Vietnam Zombie Holocaust (Cult Empire Comics)
The Walking Dead (Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard, Tony Moore)