The latest episode is out now. A discussion on issue 100s!
Have a listen here.
From the website:
"[Episode 100 of That Comic Smell is dedicated to Ian Kennedy and Steven Walsh. Thank you, for everything]
First of all we want to give a MASSIVE thank you to Richter FM (AKA, Paddy Johnston of Good Comics) for composing this amazing track/new theme music. Please follow the links above and give the Hibiscus EP and the rest of Richter FMs music a listen and follow. Also a HUGE thank you to Chartsmasher (AKA, Joan Edam) for allowing us to use their track for so long.We hope you enjoy the new intro and outro. It’s nice to change things up a little but we’re not changing too much around here. It’s comics, comics, comics, as usual. Seeing as it’s episode 100 as well then why not issue #100s to celebrate.
There is also a little focus on how some titles seem to get published/publishers, a particular comic that Mike managed to get his hands on (De Cape et de Crocs by Alain Ayroles & Jean-Luc Masbou) and a certain ‘Krazy’ collection of Sunday strips that could double as a paving slab.
This and all the usual comics chat on…
That Comic Smell!
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Krazy Kat Sundays (George Herriman)
The Thing and Ben Grimm #100 (John Byrne, Ron Wilson)
2000AD and Starlord #100 (IPC)
Archie Madhouse #100 (Dexter Taylor, Stan Goldberg)
Star Wars Weekly #100 (Chris Claremont, Mike Vosburg, Steve Leialoha, John Costanza, Bob Sharen)
The Defenders #100 (J.M. DeMatteis, Don Perlin, Joe Sinnott, Sal Trapani, Jack Abel, Al Milgrom, Frank Giacoia)
Starblazer #100 (Various, Jesus Redondo)
Justice League of America #100 (Len Wien, Dick Dylan)
The Nutty #100 (DC Thomson)
Master of Kung Fu #100 (Doug Moench, Gene Day, Mike Zeck)
Dark Horse Presents #100 1&6 (Various Dark horse Contributors)
Iron Man #100 (Jim Starlin, George Tuska)
Showcase #100 (Joe Orlando, Joe Staton, Dick Giordano, Paul Levitz, Paul Kupperberg, Joe Staton)
The Incredible Hulk: Planet Hulk (Greg Pak, Carlo Pagulayan, Gary Frank, José Ladrönn)
The Comics Journal #100
X-Men #100 (Chris Claremont, Dave Cockrum)
Doctor Who Magazine #100
Conan #100 (Roy Thomas, Jon Buscema, Ernie Chan)
Eagle is 100 (Alan Grant, Ian Kennedy, John Wagner, John Burns, Alan Hebden, Jose Ortiz, Vanyo, Rex Archer, Manuel Carmona, Scott Goodall, Heinzl, Dave Follows, John Cooper, Fred Baker)
Marvel Age Special 100th Issue (Fred Hembeck, Tom DeFalco & various Marvel alumni)
Amazing Spider-Man #100 (Stan Lee, Gill Kane)
Marvel Team Up #100: Fantastic Four & Spider-Man (Frank Miller, Chris Claremont)
Cerebus #100 (Dave Sim)
The Simpsons #100 (Bill Morrison, Jason Ho, Nathan Kane)
The Beano 100 (DC Thomson)
The Walking Dead #100 (Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard)
Penned Guin Strip 100 (Alan Henderson)
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