Some comics related articles from the December press...

Starting off with a bumper review of the year section from The Times 05/12/09. This covers Joe Daly's The Monkey Double Happiness Book, Apostolos Doxiadis and Christos Papadmitirion's Logicomix, Paul Hornschemeier's All and Sundry, Jason's Low Moon, Bruce Paley and Carol Swain's Giraffes in my Hair: A Rock 'n' Roll Life, Harvey Pekar's Working, Nate Powell's Swallow Me Whole and Shaun Tan's Tales from Outer Suburbia.

From The Telegraph 12/12/09, an interview with Alan Moore regarding his Dodgem Logic magazine.

The Guardian 12/12/09 also reviews Logicomix, along with Joe Sacco's Footnotes in Gaza and Gilbert Shelton's Fat Freddy's Cat.

A more lengthy Footnotes in Gaza review from the Scotsman 19/12/09.